Fenwold Veterinary Practice Ltd
Heath Road
PE25 3ST
(01754) 767444
Heath Road
PE25 3ST
(01754) 767444
Marsh Ln,
Orby, Skegness
PE24 5HY
(01754) 810895
24 Market Place
LN13 9EB
(01507) 464821
Boston Road
PE23 5HD
(01790) 752227
110 High Street
LN12 1BH
(01507) 478182
8 Rossington Close
LN12 2GH
(01507) 443372
Enterprise Road
LN12 1NB
(01507) 477588
Coastfields operates a 24 hour security system that covers all of our holiday parks and venues.
For assistance and security during normal office hours, 8.30am until 5.00pm please call 01754 872592
For assistance and security out of office hours, call 07919108572
To contact our Security Team, please call 01754 872592 during office hours. 9 AM – 5 PM.
For Security assistance out of office hours, please call 07919108572.
24 Elliott Way
Skegness, PE24 5FH
(01754) 873333
Chapel Lane
Skegness, PE24 4TG
(01754) 871871
Drummond Road
Skegness, PE25 3EB
(01754) 764000
7 Albert Road
Skegness, PE25 3RB
(07788) 873790
If you need urgent assistance from any of the Emergency Services, please call 999.
NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem that is not an emergency issue and you’re not sure what to do.
You will speak to an advisor, who will ask a series of questions about your condition, or the condition of the person affected.
115 Lincoln Road
Skegness, PE25 2DR
(01754) 761800
25 Fagans Way
Skegness, PE25 3NE
(01754) 763937
Orby Road
Skegness, PE24 4TR
(01754) 871855
97 Beresford Avenue
Skegness, PE25 3JL
(01754) 898711
101 is only available if you are calling from within England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. Calls are charged at 15 pence per call.
You can call 101 to report a crime that is not an emergency. For example:
Your car or property has been stolen
Your property has been damaged
You suspect drug use or related crime in your neighbourhood
Share information about crime in your area
Speak to the police
You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when
there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.
98 High Street, Rear
LN12 1AS
(01507) 477915
14 Tennyson Road
LN12 1HE
(01507) 47229
10 Wellington Road
LN12 1HR
(01507) 477256
5 Seaholme Road
LN12 2PA
(01507) 478626
18 Montgomery Road
Skegness, PE25 2EX
(01754) 760424
13 St Huberts Drive
Skegness, PE25 2LS
(01754) 765959
Richmond Drive
Skegness, PE25 3PQ